السبت، 5 مارس 2011

تحميل واستماع ومشاهده ماهر زين بارك الله لكما barek alah lakoma

ماهر زيـــــــن
maher zain

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* من توفر الألبوم لديهم في الأسواق فنتمنى منهم شراءه دعما ً لمسيرة الفن الملتزم .
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مشاهده ماهر زين بارك الله لكما
watching maher zain barek alah lakoma
كلمات ماهر زين بارك الله لكما والتحميل 
Baraka Allah Lakuma

We're here on this special day
Our hearts are full of pleasure
A day that brings the two of you
close together
We're gathered here to celebrate
A moment you'll always treasure
We ask Allah to make your love
Last forever

Let's raise our hands and make du'a
Like the prophet taught us
And with one voice let's all say…say…say

Wa Baraka 'alaikuma
Wa jama'a bainakuma fi khair)x2

May God's blessings be with you and upon you)
(and join you both in good

From now you'll share all your joys
Through hardships,support each other
Together worshipping Allah
Seeking His pleasure
We pray that He will feed your life
With happiness and blessings
And grant you kids
who make your home filled with laughter

Let's raise our hands and make du'a
Like the prophet taught us
And with one voice let's all say…say…say

Wa Baraka 'alaikuma
Wa jama bainakuma fi khair)x2

Baraka Allah x5
(God Bless)

Baraka Allahu lakum wa lana x2
(God Bless you and us)

Allah barik lahuma
Allah adim hobbahuma
Allah salli wa sallim ala rasool ellah
Allah tub 'alaina
Allah erdha 'anna
Allah ehdi khutana
'Ala sunnat nabina

God, Bless them)
God, Make their love last
God, Let your peace and blessings be upon your prophet
God, Forgive us
God,Be content with us
God,Guide our footsteps
(after the example of your prophet

Let's raise our hands and make du'a
Like the prophet taught us
And with one voice let's all say…say…say

Wa Baraka 'alaikuma
Wa jama bainakuma fi khair)x2


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